Sunday, October 19, 2008

The 7 Most Common Mistakes

Do You Know...
  • The #1 mistake almost everyone makes when trying to conceive? (this will surprise you!)
  • What store-bought product you must never use if you want to get pregnant?
  • What happens if you save up sperm for your fertile days?
  • Which food contains something dangerous for women trying to conceive?
  • How to finally nail the difficult task of determining when you ovulate?
  • Which vitamin can actually dry up your cervical fluid making conception next to impossible?
  • The worst beverage you can drink?
  • An over the counter medicine that can harm sperm?
  • Plus much, much more!!
Click Here!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


An infant is the term used to characterize a human baby. The term "infant" derives from the Latin word in-fans, meaning "unable to speak." "Infant" is also a legal term referring to minors;[1] that is, any child under the age of legal adulthood.

A human infant less than a month old is a newborn or a neonate.[2] The term "newborn" includes premature infants, postmature infants and full term newborns.

Upon reaching the age of one or beginning to walk, infants are referred to as "toddlers" (generally 12-36 months).

Baby Oh Baby..

Baby will have their wonderfull life.